Obama Admin Sends UN Population Fund $50 Million, Abortion Backers Want More Money!

The American economy is in turmoil but the Obama administration sent a $50 million check yesterday to the United Nations Population Fund. That’s the pro-abortion group that has been accused of supporting and working in concert with Chinese family planning officials.

There, the Chinese population control program has relied on forced abortions, involuntary sterilizations and other human rights abuses to enforce its rule that most couples may have no more than one child.

The Obama administration move has pro-life advocates up in arms.

“Yesterday, for the first time in eight years, the State Department released $50 million to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an organization linked to China’s one-child policy and coerced abortions,” Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said. Read More

And Obama keeps on spending money we don’t have..more going across the pond!

Don’t you think its time for a Tea Party? More power in numbers! Pro-life advocates this way to Tea Party!

Tax Day Tea Party HQ


(1) Obama’s “Special Olympics” joke: The teleprompter made him do it!

(2) The Arnie-Barry lovefest

(3) Look beyond the bogus bonus smokescreen